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Location Review: Blind Whino

Denis Sgouros

October 2, 2013 | 5:45pm EDT

It’s Sunday. I’m up and at work an hour early with bags under my eyes a hazy recollection of last night and the delightful presence of a nasally pressure in my head. Like most college students in the D.C. metro area, I may have made some mistakes last night. Let me tell you about the one thing I did proper yesterday.

I went to the free and open-house local art gallery, Blind Whino.

If you so choose, you may take the Orange/Blue line to L’Enfant Plaza and embark on an 8-10 minute stroll to “Blind Whino.” Or as it is colloquially known, “Hense Church.” Address 700 Delaware Avenue SW.

The Church is some 120 years old, recently given an architectural face-lift, botox and mascara treatment by the artist “Hense,” (hence, “Hense Church”).

In the dull and dreary life of the ever-studious College student barraged on all sides with the monotonous black text of our textbooks, Blind Whino hits you fast and vibrantly as though an edifice of unnatural, unearthly or Cuban design you are left awe struck by its vast array of colors.

If you will, indulge my shift in narration as I regale you with what I experienced on the inside.

The center room of the first floor was a trendy lounge with powerful soul portraits hung along the corridor. To the far left of the room stood several large black canvases for guests to contribute their own works of art.

All the other rooms on the first floor, adjacent to the center room, house works of art each room with its own over arching theme. Ie: water, death and Star Wars (I kid you not, I found a portrait of a Storm trooper with a baby lego storm trooper on the others lap). All art showcased is available for purchase. Works with a red sticker denotes that they have already been purchased.

To the top floor of the Church I was shocked to find what I can only describe as an alternative-indie punk mariachi band show but what was later described to me as “gypsy rock.” The band killed.

If this place sounds like your scene, stop by. The staff is super friendly and eager to “provoke the graffiti art community in DC.” Their events are free and they usually throw open parties on weekends.

You can find their hours of operation as well as events on their website but if you want to be kept informed by the minute they recommend signing onto their e-mail list serve.

Learn more at or Now to find an Advil…

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